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Jul 29, 2023 4:07 PM

Dec 2022
I am talking about series that have at least 3 games here. 

My history: 

Final Fantasy
Trails of...: my current fave

Mario was all I knew once upon a time. It had all the fun stuff: gameboy, Mario Kart etc. 
Then I discovered Zelda and that was >>>> for me when comparing to Mario. 
Loved the fantasy world. 

Then, I got discovered FF and that was >> for me compared to Zelda. Multiple characters, more complex stories, I loved turn based battle systems. 

Finally, FF XIII and XV ruined that once desperate anticipation for FF. Moving to action style fighting was just meh to me. 
Also, all the problems with these games just turned me off. I though XIII might have been a fluke, but then they came with XV that has some dudes in a car, very few cities or even villages and I had enough. 

Now, I love the Trails of series, partly because it's all interconnected. Am playing the old games now to flesh out the newer games, but I adore those as well

Also, Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat were kind of there around Zelda time, but they are very different in that you can beat that easily in an hour or so, whilst Zelda is a multiple day commitment.

What about you guys?
This is your reminder to drink water 💦 or eat some fruit  🍒 🥝
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Jul 29, 2023 5:33 PM

Sep 2010
By far Pokémon, played all games and still addicted.

Other than that Zelda, Super Mario and GTA.
Jul 29, 2023 7:02 PM

Feb 2020
Streets of Rage.
Hate the 3rd game, love the 2nd one, 1st one was ok. It was just a family favourite, both my Sisters loved playing it and so did I. Been one of my all-time favourites for 30 years or so. Like playing the many different hacks and custom versions also.

Command & Conquer.
I've played almost all of them, but favourites are Tiberium Sun, Yuri's Revenge and to a lesser extent Generals.
Just one of the greatest base-buiding RTS games ever... and then EA ruined it, the last game was so depressing.

GTA a little bit I guess? although I only really like San Andreas.

Dead Or Alive Xtreme.
I have a weird soft spot for volleyball games, and although it's a little too simple, it's a fun trilogy (haven't played Venus but it's essentially the same as Fortune).

Senran Kagura.
Definitely prefer the hack & slash ones, but the other types were fun in their own way.

Jul 29, 2023 7:11 PM

Mar 2019
My Favorite Franchises are Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Castlevania. 🏰
Jul 29, 2023 7:15 PM

Sep 2018
By far my fav series are
Kiseki (Trails)
Tales of

Honorable mention
Love loz before botw 
Mario is still pretty solid but I did not like Odyssey
Pokemon was great before gen 6 started the decline
Modern pokemon is ok though. 

My fav genre of games is jrpgs.  My fav dev is easily Falcom.  
rohan121Jul 29, 2023 7:29 PM
Jul 29, 2023 7:21 PM

Aug 2016
My first favorite series would be Pokémon, I started playing with Mystery Dungeon on the DS when I was about 8, then played games of the fourth, fifth and third gen. My personal favorite was Soulsilver but all the games I played were pretty good. I grew out of the franchise but still remember fondly the beautiful sprites and music.

Other of my favorites series was Ace Attorney, played the trilogy and Apollo Justice and then managed to play both Investigations spinoffs. I couldn't play the 3DS games because I never owned one but I watched a LP of AA5. While the anime adaptation was pretty disappointing, I bought The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles for PS4 and enjoyed it, especially the second game. I don't know if I'll ever play the 3DS games, we need a port for the PS4/5 audience :(

Another one of my all time faves is Resident Evil, I fell in love with the franchise with RE4 and played remake 1, remake 2,5,6,7 and some spinoffs. I didn’t like 7 at all so didn’t buy 8 but the fourth remake seems nice enough, hope the franchise returns to its dumb B movie roots.

Currently I've gotten into Silent Hill (played 2,3 and 4) and Persona (played 3, 4, 5 and Strikers), so far I've liked most of those games.
"Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes!" - Bill & Ted´s Excellent Adventure

Check my introduction to Char´s Counterattack interest stack if you´re interested in watching UC Gundam. Also check my Legend of the Galactic Heroes OVA Chronological Watch Order for LoGH info!
Jul 29, 2023 7:36 PM

Mar 2021
currently persona, especially that i was really obsessed with the series a year ago
Jul 29, 2023 8:15 PM

Oct 2013
Zero escape
Ace attorney

All time favorites
Jul 30, 2023 10:56 AM

Apr 2013
Growing up I mostly played Mario, Sonic, and the Legend of Zelda. I spent hundreds of hours in Ocarina of Time alone. As I got a little older, I found Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and Metal Gear Solid. The latter of which I have been playing a lot of. Especially MGSV.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Jul 30, 2023 10:39 PM

Aug 2020
Favorite as in obsessed cus it would be way too long to list franchises I liked a lot but not obsessed over:

I went Pokemon -> Mario/Zelda -> Obscure JRPGs/RPGmaker games -> Megaman Battle Network/Starforce -> Final Fantasy -> Metal Gear -> Tales of -> Rune Factory -> SMT -> Etrian Odyssey -> Monster Hunter -> DMC.

I daresay the only ones I still obsess over would be Megaman, Etrian Odyssey, DMC, and admittedly Pokemon. Despite being soured by the whole of Gen 6 and Gen 7 games (and now Scarlet/Violet), they still present some fun in them. Others just fell off my interest hard.
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Jul 31, 2023 3:51 AM
Oct 2013
mine is the Witcher and God of War, I really enjoyed the first Warcrafts (III Frozen Throne especially)
growing up I played lots of pokemon too
Jul 31, 2023 6:57 AM

Feb 2018
My all time favorite is Metal slug, but a couple others would be Castlevania, Mario,Sonic, Smash bros and Pokemon.
Read Ghost Machine.
Jul 31, 2023 6:27 PM

Jul 2023
Grew up with Mario & Sonic. I used to really like playing beat em ups and Streets of Rage was my favorite!

I really like free roaming games that I can take my time or to just mess around in. Fallout 3/4, Oblivion/Skyrim, GTA games, and RDR 1/2. Been into Yakuza/LikeADragon series since Yakuza 2 on PS2. Kind of just play whatever I think is interesting.
Jul 31, 2023 9:25 PM

Jul 2012
Metalboy76 said:
My all time favorite is Metal slug, but a couple others would be Castlevania, Mario,Sonic, Smash bros and Pokemon.
Run-n-guns are fun. 
Aug 1, 2023 8:21 AM

May 2018
Fromsoftware series. Dark Souls 1, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro.
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.
Aug 1, 2023 8:58 AM
Dec 2022
Civilization series (esp. Alpha Centauri and its expansion, Alien Crossfire; mostly for philosophical insights)

Command and Conquer (esp. Tiberium Sun, Red Alert 1 and 2, Emperor: Battle for Dune and Dune 2000; mostly for the OSTs)

The Amazon Trail and the Oregon Trail (mostly for cultural understanding)
Aug 1, 2023 9:30 AM

Apr 2023
Pokemon and Mario were huge for me as a kid; the former I still play somewhat often and the latter less so. I enjoyed Odyssey but it wasn’t nearly as captivating to me as the Galaxy games were, and I skipped the Wii U so I never played the titles on there. I still play Mario Kart (Wii) fairly often, though!

When I was in high school I got into Dark Souls and really enjoyed it, but I don’t have the time nor inclination to sink my teeth into those anymore.

This year I’ve gotten into Persona which has been a blast, I’ve really been enjoying that and Zelda too—I’ve been playing them since I was younger, not eegularly but really enjoying those games when I do.
Aug 1, 2023 4:33 PM
Aug 1, 2023 5:05 PM

Mar 2010
Definitely Pokemon but after Violet I am reconsidering for my love of it from the switch games. Animal crossing and ace attorney are also a very big favorite of mine.
Aug 1, 2023 5:47 PM

Oct 2022
The sims, Sims2 and 3 in particular. Sims4 is a cash hungry sad game and was enjoyable before experiencing the other 2. Another game would be Dead By Daylight


  1. a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge:"that, in my opinion, is right" ·

Aug 1, 2023 11:37 PM
Jul 2023
Definitely S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, God knows how many times I have completed all three games. Also, mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games are very good and innovative, and there are a lot of them.

Medal of Honor series is the one of the series that I enjoyed a lot as a kid. I'm talking about older games like Allied Assault, Spearhead, Breaktrought, Pacific Assault.

No_FlawAug 2, 2023 1:52 AM
Aug 2, 2023 6:10 PM

Nov 2016
definitely The Legend of Zelda. Wind Waker and Majora's Mask especially will always be my favourites. RuneScape too.

"you can't hope for a horror story
with a happy ending."

pokémon tcgp friend code: 4990 7113 2155 1182
Aug 5, 2023 8:37 AM

Apr 2013
Pokémon would be my main one. I think I have played all the main series games most of them for both game versions and the 3rd game version for each gen. The only ones I haven't played are X/Y and XD Gale of Darkness (and original Sun/Moon but I did play Ultra Sun/Moon). Was also a big fan of the Mystery Dungeon games and I played pretty much all of those too.

Dragon Quest is another of my favourite series which is weird considering I've only really played a couple of them, and only fully beat 2 of those (9 and 11), I've played 1-8 but never beat them fully before forgetting about them and playing something else.

Fallout and Elder Scrolls are in similar boats for me, I've pumped thousands of hours into; Morrowind, Oblivion, FO3 and New Vegas, they are probably my favourite games ever but found that Skyrim and FO4 were good games but kind of board me quite quickly, then 76 killed any interest I had in the series and ESO held me for a few thousand hours but just got worse and worse as the game went on and got updated and also killed any further interest in the series.
Aug 5, 2023 11:29 AM

Apr 2012
Sensible Soccer never put a foot wrong.

If you want things which are still ongoing, I guess Civilization (I've grown out of its concept of history, but never mind) and Atelier are the ones I always pay attention to.
Aug 5, 2023 11:45 PM
Apr 2023
My favourite game series:

Animal Crossing
Hollow Knight/Silksong (WHEN WILL IT RELEASE!)
Legend of Zelda

(Can u tell I play only on switch haha)

and I did really really love Pokemon... until the newest game :/ It kinda ruined it for me some how, made me feel like it is nothing more than easy $$ for the company now T__T maybe unpopular opinion, I' not sure. But I enjoyed Arceus!! Wish S/V went more in that direction tbh >.>
Aug 5, 2023 11:47 PM
Apr 2023
Stardew said:
Definitely Pokemon but after Violet I am reconsidering for my love of it from the switch games.  Animal crossing and ace attorney are also a very big favorite of mine.
I felt the same with Pokemon T__T (as I wrote in my forum reply).... Is Ace Attorney any good on switch do you know? I saw it got released for it recently, considering buying it :3
Aug 6, 2023 6:55 AM

Mar 2010
knzjnx said:
Stardew said:
Definitely Pokemon but after Violet I am reconsidering for my love of it from the switch games.  Animal crossing and ace attorney are also a very big favorite of mine.
I felt the same with Pokemon T__T (as I wrote in my forum reply).... Is Ace Attorney any good on switch do you know? I saw it got released for it recently, considering buying it :3

The open world is really huge change for me alongside those battles, I am sad that u gotta have nintendo switch online for the mutiplayer part which seems interesting :/

Honestly am not sure where to go lol after leaving the school and am pretty lost, might be better if i figure things out/where to go and get used to it but rn im just fighting things and catching things lol

Arceus was better with a linear storyline but lots of grinding for the pokedex, it was very fun and pretty!

Sadly I only have AA on PC (doing another playthrough rn)and have previously played it on ds but I have not heard any alarming difference between the two! So I definetly recommend it if you enjoy visual novels and are okay with text heavy games(danganronpa is def similar! Dangan do have more action in movement wise but if u looking to solve cases then AA is great unless you fear reading) The characters are very charming and the cases are all very interesting. I hope you enjoy if you do getting it! There is usually sale of combo between AA 1-3 and the Great Ace attorney which I def recommend if you buy games digitally. Great ace attorney a spin off is also amazing and sets in historic Japan. If you get the bundle it means 5 games in one which is pretty awesome.

Bundle name: Ace Attorney Turnabout Collection

I also have persona 4 and 5. I am.... slowly getting through them alike violet but both def seems fun so far.
StardewAug 6, 2023 6:58 AM
Aug 6, 2023 8:40 AM
May 2012
I'm a big fan of Mario. I can't wait for Wonder to release!
Aug 14, 2023 2:56 PM

Sep 2020
pokemon, persona,GTA,yakuza and batman Arkham series, there are more but i cant seem to remember
Aug 14, 2023 3:26 PM

Sep 2015
Resident Evil Original Trilogy
Star Trek: Starfleet Command Trilogy
Worms + Worms 2 + Worms Armageddon
Ace Combat
Conflict: Desert Storm 1&2 +Vietnam + Global Storm
Legacy of Kain
To name a few 🤓
Aug 14, 2023 3:53 PM

Mar 2021
My like top 3 favorite games of all time, are Bloodborne, Silent Hill 2, and Red Dead 2. I love the Fromsoft games, fantasy is my favorite genre, I played almost every single one of their games, and Bloodborne is just the top of the bunch for me. Silent Hill 2 has easily one of the best stories, score, atmosphere, and etc. out of anything and how the game tied it with gameplay is just some of the best uses of video games as a medium. While with Red Dead 2, I grew up with Rockstar Games, I also played every single one of their franchises, and Red Dead 2 is by far the most realistic game world I've ever seen
Aug 14, 2023 4:40 PM

Oct 2009
Star Ocean, Tales of, Atelier series.

Used to be really into Ys but the passion kinda dies off a little. Haven't even start Ys IX.
Aug 15, 2023 9:15 AM
May 2011
i loved nba 2k and madden growing up, but i havent bought one of their games in over a decade.  i really love the tales, fire emblem, mass effect and dragon age series
Aug 15, 2023 12:57 PM

Feb 2022
Halo, childhood right there.
Aug 17, 2023 4:53 PM

Jan 2020
When I was a kid I think my favourite serie was Pokémon, and it has remained Pokémon until my teen years.
Then I moved to Fire Emblem, but I stopped enjoying it when it became a shitty fanservice fest for thirsty men, and I moved to the Xeno series around 2017.
I took a pause from videogame until 2020, basically, then I started playing again, but I found out my likings changed and so my games preferences.
I started to appreciate new series like Assassin's Creed, Valkyrie Chronicles, Megami Tensei (for a while I was obsessed with SMT), Nasuverse and Street Fighter.
Right now, I would say my favourite series is the Yakuza/Like a Dragon one. Those games are just that good.

So to be short:

2009-2014: Pokémon
2014-2017: Fire Emblem
2017-2022: Many series, in particular Megami Tensei and Xeno
2022-Now: Yakuza series
Location: Turin, Italy
Aug 18, 2023 1:48 AM

Feb 2016
Right now my favourite series is MGS, but I'm also a big fan of Deus Ex, SMT, Final Fantasy, Xeno (gears, saga, blade (before blade 2...)), Armored Core and Splinter Cell. Currently playing all the main-line Yakuza games and that will no doubt be a favourite series also.
Aug 26, 2023 6:36 PM

Nov 2021
Metal gear solid
Monster hunter 
Dragon ball z

Aug 27, 2023 11:00 PM
May 2012
I started off with Mario. SMB was the first video game that I ever played. SMW was the first game I ever got to see the ending credits. favorite series is still Mario! I'm really looking forward to SMB Wonder in October!
Aug 28, 2023 3:49 AM

Jun 2021
At first place... the Oddworld series. Oddysee and Exoddus are already enough to decide, including their remasters / remakes (New'n'Tasty and Soulstorm respectively) released in the last decade. Munch's Oddysee was pretty good too.

Runner-up is the Point Blank trilogy, also for the arcade versions but especially for PSX (and the Nintendo DS port as a nice little bonus), so many goddamn entertainment from most of those minigames and the two main characters. Best light-gun games ever seen, glad that now i own again a CRT old style television set so i can play them all over again with a GunCon45. It's just a little shame that the third chapter for PSX didn't have a quest / adventure mode but whatever.

To complete a top five, the Crash Bandicoot series until Crash Nitro Kart included and plus the N Sane Trilogy and CTR Nitro Fueled remakes from 2017 and 2019, Spyro The Dragon trilogy for PSX (also Reignited for PS4), the Tekken series at least until the 5th one, and just out of the first five places... Guitar Hero / Rock Band / Clone Hero etc. etc.

Aug 28, 2023 9:55 AM

May 2016
I love the final fantasy series

Yakuza series

and Persona series

There's probably more but these are likely my top 3.
Aug 28, 2023 10:04 AM

Dec 2022
Pokemon and Mario would maybe the first games I ever touched. They are the OGs for me. Tekken series (especially Tekken 3) lead me to a whole new world of games. And my fav would be Call Of Duty: MW (OG one) followed by Battlefield 3. Played and completed it countless times.  My choices may be the generic ones but I like what I like. Man, those were the days.... Uh-oh forgot to mention Need for Speed Most Wanted the (Og one). Nothing can beat that game when it comes to racing not even Forza.
DinoNo1Aug 28, 2023 10:11 AM

-Tohka is better than Kurumi. You can't change my mind. 

Aug 28, 2023 12:27 PM

Apr 2023
The Elder Scrolls
Monster Hunter

are in their own league imho.
Aug 28, 2023 6:02 PM

Jul 2021
The metro game series. It's criminally underrated and they deserve more love.

The fallout series. Haven't played them all but i found fallout 4/3/new vegas to be very enjoyable.

Dark souls games. Just recently got into them after playing elden ring and i'm currently playing dark souls 3.

There's definitely more but i can't think of any.

Aug 30, 2023 12:12 PM

Jun 2023
My favorite game series of all time is Mario Kart because no matter if you're a more seasoned racer or a first time noobie, it's fun for everyone. I especially love Mario Kart Wii and I've racked up thousands of hours in that game (I was even semi-pro at one point)! The janky and unbalanced nature of Mario Kart Wii make it in my opinion the most fun Mario Kart ever made. However, every Mario Kart game has its own unique charm and I love them all respectively. 

Other fantastic game series that I've enjoyed are Pokemon, Mario Party, Counter:Strike, and more I'm definitely forgetting :) 
Sep 17, 2023 1:01 PM
Jun 2023
Xenoblade series, miku Hatsune games, star ocean, Valkryie Profile, Mario party, Cooking mama, fat princess, Chef life, animal crossing, civilization series1 to 6., Sims 4, Nurse Love Syndrome series, Mario kart, IB, School days anime Visual Novel series, ilanders.
Sep 19, 2023 3:36 PM

Sep 2017
It used to be The Elder Scrolls and Souls series.
Now I guess it's Metal Gear Solid and Touhou.
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Sep 19, 2023 4:25 PM

Dec 2015
Musou Series

and many more..
Sep 19, 2023 5:42 PM

Jun 2017
Metal Gear, mostly for the very cinematic style stories and the more challenging stealth gameplay. I love stealth and would take it over shooters every day.

Resident Evil, solving puzzles is actually really fun and it makes me feel good when i solve something complicated. I don't care for the horror stuff because i'm pretty desensitized to horror.

Zelda, i love the music and the very creative monster designs but i find their cryptic nature frustrating.

WWE, i'm a life long wrestling fan. I love everything wrestling games offer, especially the deep create modes and the universe mode where you can set your own champions.

Grand Theft Auto. Mostly for how open the games are, you get a mission and can complete it virtually however you want. Stealth? Run them over? Shoot them? Whatever you want, it's your move. I love experimenting with the weapons.

Yugioh, specifically the games that aren't just duel simulators. LIke Falsebound Kingdom and Capsule Monster Coliseum. Endless options of potential teams and experimenting with monsters.
My waifu is the most wonderful waifu. Mai Valentine.

We're freaking out that we're running out of time, but to do what? Should i stop and think of that? Is there something i could do to slow it down? Live in a day for once, instead of watch it sprinting by
Oct 3, 2023 6:16 PM

Aug 2020
Stardew said:
The open world is really huge change for me alongside those battles, I am sad that u gotta have nintendo switch online for the mutiplayer part which seems interesting :/

Honestly am not sure where to go lol after leaving the school and am pretty lost, might be better if i figure things out/where to go and get used to it but rn im just fighting things and catching things lol

Arceus was better with a linear storyline but lots of grinding for the pokedex, it was very fun and pretty!

Of all the complaints of ScVi, I've never ever heard of getting lost as one. That sounds like Grade A brainrot. I dont know how anyone can get lost in a Pokemon game nowadays. Like...they force waypoints onto your map, force explain with the tutorials what to do that even if you are allergic to reading you'd know what is going on. Legends Arceus is waaay easier to get lost.
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Oct 3, 2023 7:04 PM

Oct 2019
Resident Evil
GTA (before it all went to shit)

yeah that's pretty much it.
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