4.30 star(s) 18 Votes


New Member
Aug 21, 2017
So I got some free time (cancelled my daily goon sesh) and used the time to hack together a crude animation menu:
View attachment 4642878

I highly encourage you to play the game first see the animations in action, but some of the animations are just too good to leave to RNG.
Get the modded builds here:

SHA256 Hashes:
Android (APK)66D192A9CEC8512F2E8F477C835A0648F36288B45191BA4E24A153C89F430CF1

I didn't tests these ones a lot, so let me know if there are any issues.

Important: These builds are not official, so don't blame the developer/the original game if it does not work or look bad

Some animation has not been seen in game like girl/lift_69_0 and girl/lift_0.


New Member
Aug 22, 2021
Random thought if maybe Aster's healing can be done in between your attacks. Like some sort of system that detects the amount of your hp, if it's like less than half or something, so she will cast it sooner? Just putting the thought out there.
Suggestions for combat mechanics are great and there are a lot of them itt. But I feel like most of them should be locked behind progression. Something like: "Your affinity with Aster has reached 25. Your Perfect Pair™ combat prowess has been increased! Now Aster will be able to speed-chant Battle Heal when your hp reaches 0 once per battle."

Or this one:
using items during combat for one of your actions.
Maybe if you don't reach affinity 25 with Aster by like, MC lvl 5: "Training and fighting solo has made you more independent. You can now use S consumables in combat."

Man, in the end I just want to see what kind of progression will the dev cook up.


Aug 30, 2017
nice game, is there a way to see the full corrupted animations with light? if i get far enough it always ends up not working / cant use torch to extend the time with light. any guide on what the more expensive items are for?
Not yet on the light thing, although that might be an option in the one modded to have an improvised debug mode. The torchlight not working once her pants and/or shirt are off is as-intended by the dev. As for the items, they all have descriptions, but:

Torch: +25 to light level; doesn't work once she's been stripped
Healing Potion (S): Restores 10 HP
Healing Potion (M): Restores 20 HP; don't bother with these, there's no limit to how many S potions you can carry and use, and the M potions cost more per HP restored (plus it's wasteful to use them above 10 HP)
Stamina Potion (S): Restores 15 stamina
Sedative: I'm not actually certain what PL is, but I'm guessing it's related to corruption; this reduces that by 50. It also reduces EP (excitement points, which are a measure of corruption and fill up her mana bar, preventing regen of that) by 3
Focus Vial: Give 40 FP (mana) to Aster, and also reduces her EP by 10
Mare Scale: Super mana potion - +100 FP and -20 EP

I dont get this game. what are you supposed to do to see scenes?
Split up all the time? then I die all the time.
And when staying together and completing dungeons nothing has happened so far except for the groping and slapping
Stay together to stay alive. If trying to corrupt her fast, go into the 12-step dungeon with at least 5 healing potions and basically just guard (with resting as needed) until Mentor starts molesting Aster during combat (before that, he'll kill the enemies for you while lowering the light level). Keep your HP above 20 (the free 3 potions you start with also heal 10 HP). When you're one step away from the boss, make certain to restore your HP to full, then have Aster drink all 3 uses of her potion; Mentor will refill it with between 1 and 3 charges, have her drink those as well. In the fight, just guard the whole time (resting as needed) - he'll molest her, she'll alternate between healing you and blasting the boss. She'll typically kill it before you die or she runs out of FP, but if she starts getting low you may need to fight.

Not sure if that'd be the best idea for me - a lot of the appeal of the NTR (especially here) hinges on the attachment to our hero's fiancee and them being the Perfect Pair. As soon as you throw in other girls the cheating at the heart of it falls away and the game just becomes "oh mentor is banging some chick off-screen i guess idk", at least to me.
Story-wise, something like this would probably be a case of a side character (or several) that MC meets in town and becomes friends with, with it clear to the player the two have some attraction to each other. They get a bit flirty (or, depending on the girl, maybe she outright tries to seduce him away from Aster), and maybe it looks like it will go somewhere, but eventually Mentor swoops in and starts banging that character too.

But I agree with those saying the dev should probably stick to just Aster to avoid being overwhelmed with their first game. If the way Aster is designed would allow for some easy asset swaps (different clothing, hair, eyes, skin tone, makeup/freckles, pubic hair, and maybe breast size), it might not be that onerous to add more characters (as well as modify Aster's appearance) and just reuse the same animations, but probably better to hold off on something that ambitious until the next game.


Dec 14, 2017
I think I understood, after trying this game out, why "NTR" games don't work for me.

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This is a porn game, distributed on a porn-dedicated website. So, the chief concern here is the porn. Right?

I think, from a pure design point of view, this should probably mean that winning and progressing in the game leads to porn. At least.

Better yet, the gameplay itself should be centered around porn.

Here, you play as an adventurer whose objective is to crawl through a dungeon. Alright, there's an obvious problem : the gameplay will definitely not be about porn. It's going to be about managing your inventory and fighting monsters. If I wanted to do that, no offense, but I'd go play, oh, I don't know, Elden Ring perhaps. But maybe clearing the dungeon will lead to porn?

Well, no, because the kink here is NTR. So, far from clearing the dungeon, keeping yourself well-lit, well-stocked and well-armed, you are indeed... Supposed to lose. On purpose. So that the "Corruptor" can play with your "Love Interest". Am I the only one who find it completely counter-intuitive?

Either you triumph from the gameplay loop but you're locked out of the porn - which is, let me remind the postulate, the chief concern of a PORN GAME - or you lose the gameplay loop (or at least sabotage it), and you get some porn.

So, first argument, let me play as the "Corruptor" instead. The gameplay loop would hence become centred on subtly sabotaging the adventurer so that you can molest the girl. Much more satisfying, from a gamedesign point of view. You could increase the difficulty by upping the suspicion of the adventurer, who'd keep a closer eye on you, meaning you'd have to get clever as the game goes on.

"Hero Party Must Fall (kinda, as its more Vn than an actual game) does that already. We're not here for a copy of it nor another trainer game, enough of those, we want to be cuckolded."

So, second argument, keep the player as the adventurer, but shift the gameplay loop, so that winning it leads to the porn. Off, the top of my head, give the opportunity for the adventurer to get "Nightvision" for exemple. That would lead to torchlight being needed less and would trigger the molesting more often. Or, I don't know, introduce potions of stealth, which would give the molestor the impression that the adventurer can't hear whatever he is doing to the love interest. It reintroduces agency for the player and make the dungeon crawl worth winning... Because the rewards are then spent to acquire way to make the NTR happens in a more controlled manner.

Because, as it is now, why would I play?
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Game Developer
Jun 18, 2021
I think I understood, after trying this game out, why "NTR" games don't work for me.

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This is a porn game, distributed on a porn-dedicated website. So, the chief concern here is the porn. Right?

I think, from a pure design point of view, this should probably mean that winning and progressing in the game leads to porn. At least.

Better yet, the gameplay itself should be centered around porn.

Here, you play as an adventurer whose objective is to crawl through a dungeon. Alright, there's an obvious problem : the gameplay will definitely not be about porn. It's going to be about managing your inventory and fighting monsters. If I wanted to do that, no offense, but I'd go play, oh, I don't know, Elden Ring perhaps. But maybe clearing the dungeon will lead to porn?

Well, no, because the kink here is NTR. So, far from clearing the dungeon, keeping yourself well-lit, well-stocked and well-armed, you are indeed... Supposed to lose. On purpose. So that the "Corruptor" can play with your "Love Interest". Am I the only one who find it completely counter-intuitive?

Either you triumph from the gameplay loop but you're locked out of the porn - which is, let me remind the postulate, the chief concern of a PORN GAME - or you lose the gameplay loop (or at least sabotage it), and you get some porn.

So, first argument, let me play as the "Corruptor" instead. The gameplay loop would hence become centred on subtly sabotaging the adventurer so that you can molest the girl. Much more satisfying, from a gamedesign point of view. You could increase the difficulty by upping the suspicion of the adventurer, who'd keep a closer eye on you, meaning you'd have to get clever as the game goes on.

"Hero Party Must Fall (kinda, as its more Vn than an actual game) does that already. We're not here for a copy of it nor another trainer game, enough of those, we want to be cuckolded."

So, second argument, keep the player as the adventurer, but shift the gameplay loop, so that winning it leads to the porn. Off, the top of my head, give the opportunity for the adventurer to get "Nightvision" for exemple. That would lead to torchlight being needed less and would trigger the molesting more often. Or, I don't know, introduce potions of stealth, which would give the molestor the impression that the adventurer can't hear whatever he is doing to the love interest. It reintroduces agency for the player and make the dungeon crawl worth winning... Because the rewards are then spent to acquire way to make the NTR happens in a more controlled manner.

Because, as it is now, why would I play?
the gameplay is perfectly tied to the kink, use your brain and also REMEMBER this is barely a demo


Aug 30, 2017
I think I understood, after trying this game out, why "NTR" games don't work for me.


Because, as it is now, why would I play?
It's still a prototype, so we don't know yet what it's really going to look like in terms of the true gameplay loop. Currently, the game is a balancing act - keeping things well-lit and Aster well-supplied with FP (which also means avoiding Mentor molesting her, as this causes EP to overwrite FP) while sticking together makes it easy to get through the dungeon (Mentor keeps blasting monsters with Dark Orb, Aster alternates between blasting them with Magic Spear and healing Hero) but a) means burning through a lot of cash per run and b) means no H-content. On the other side, not doing all that makes for a tougher run, but you get to see Aster getting corrupted. I suspect the Tavern option will add another aspect - you can have Aster work at the tavern to make money (lowering difficulty because it's an extra source of cash) but this also speeds along her corruption as she gets groped by patrons (and maybe more once she's more corrupted). Many players enjoy balancing acts like this. Heck, there are non-NTR games out there where avoiding the H-content in order to get the pure/virgin ending makes the game harder, yet people still enjoy playing that way (those games typically let you unlock all the scenes in the gallery after clearing, so it's more like "delayed gratification" than "no porn;" the really good ones, like Goblin Conqueror and the later Dragon Conquista, have a solid enough story even without the porn to stand on their own). There are also NTR games out there (although I think they're somewhat-rare) where you still get porn with the NTR-avoidance route - specifically, the MC gets to be the one to bang the heroine.

If stuff like that doesn't appeal to you, then yeah, optional-NTR games aren't going to be worth your time. Unavoidable-NTR might still work for you, as in cases like that you're basically on rails so advancing the plot leads to advancing the heroine's corruption. Unless, of course, you just dislike NTR for other reasons - personally I'm not a huge fan of the "Girl has a serious romantic interest but gets tricked/blackmailed/forced to have sex with someone else" part, but I generally just accept that tends to be the price one pays to get a good corruption plot).
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Aug 28, 2024
I think I understood, after trying this game out, why "NTR" games don't work for me.

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This is a porn game, distributed on a porn-dedicated website. So, the chief concern here is the porn. Right?

I think, from a pure design point of view, this should probably mean that winning and progressing in the game leads to porn. At least.

Better yet, the gameplay itself should be centered around porn.

Here, you play as an adventurer whose objective is to crawl through a dungeon. Alright, there's an obvious problem : the gameplay will definitely not be about porn. It's going to be about managing your inventory and fighting monsters. If I wanted to do that, no offense, but I'd go play, oh, I don't know, Elden Ring perhaps. But maybe clearing the dungeon will lead to porn?

Well, no, because the kink here is NTR. So, far from clearing the dungeon, keeping yourself well-lit, well-stocked and well-armed, you are indeed... Supposed to lose. On purpose. So that the "Corruptor" can play with your "Love Interest". Am I the only one who find it completely counter-intuitive?

Either you triumph from the gameplay loop but you're locked out of the porn - which is, let me remind the postulate, the chief concern of a PORN GAME - or you lose the gameplay loop (or at least sabotage it), and you get some porn.

So, first argument, let me play as the "Corruptor" instead. The gameplay loop would hence become centred on subtly sabotaging the adventurer so that you can molest the girl. Much more satisfying, from a gamedesign point of view. You could increase the difficulty by upping the suspicion of the adventurer, who'd keep a closer eye on you, meaning you'd have to get clever as the game goes on.

"Hero Party Must Fall (kinda, as its more Vn than an actual game) does that already. We're not here for a copy of it nor another trainer game, enough of those, we want to be cuckolded."

So, second argument, keep the player as the adventurer, but shift the gameplay loop, so that winning it leads to the porn. Off, the top of my head, give the opportunity for the adventurer to get "Nightvision" for exemple. That would lead to torchlight being needed less and would trigger the molesting more often. Or, I don't know, introduce potions of stealth, which would give the molestor the impression that the adventurer can't hear whatever he is doing to the love interest. It reintroduces agency for the player and make the dungeon crawl worth winning... Because the rewards are then spent to acquire way to make the NTR happens in a more controlled manner.

Because, as it is now, why would I play?
Sounds like you just don't like this particular type of game, which is fine, but there's clearly plenty of people (myself included) who are quite happy with this particular style of game. As it stands, the game is basically a pre-alpha, and a lot of things about the gameplay loop are likely to change before release, but changing the porn from "it happens primarily without player input" to "it almost never happens without player input" would be a *huge* change that would completely alter the feel, vibes, kinks, whatever you want to call it. Basically, changing that one key aspect you're asking about changing would kinda ruin the game for a lot of people.

As it is currently, literally the whole point is that the girl is being molested by another guy and the protag is oblivious to the shit that's happening *right there*, just out of sight to him but still (mostly) visible to us. That's the hottest shit in the world to some people, and it really sounds like that just isn't the case with you. Hate to be that guy, but if the game isn't your cup of tea, there's plenty of other games out there that cater to the specifics you laid out here, but there's only one other game I can think of that hits this particular set of kinks (Spider and Butterfly for those who are curious) in a similar way to this game. Please let us have this one, we're a little content starved at the moment.


Game Developer
Jun 18, 2021
Sounds like you just don't like this particular type of game, which is fine, but there's clearly plenty of people (myself included) who are quite happy with this particular style of game. As it stands, the game is basically a pre-alpha, and a lot of things about the gameplay loop are likely to change before release, but changing the porn from "it happens primarily without player input" to "it almost never happens without player input" would be a *huge* change that would completely alter the feel, vibes, kinks, whatever you want to call it. Basically, changing that one key aspect you're asking about changing would kinda ruin the game for a lot of people.

As it is currently, literally the whole point is that the girl is being molested by another guy and the protag is oblivious to the shit that's happening *right there*, just out of sight to him but still (mostly) visible to us. That's the hottest shit in the world to some people, and it really sounds like that just isn't the case with you. Hate to be that guy, but if the game isn't your cup of tea, there's plenty of other games out there that cater to the specifics you laid out here, but there's only one other game I can think of that hits this particular set of kinks (Spider and Butterfly for those who are curious) in a similar way to this game. Please let us have this one, we're a little content starved at the moment.
yeah this specific genre is so rare this game MUST be preserved
can't believe the dude played the game and thought "I did not like it, change the core concept because *I* like it more"


Jun 25, 2017
yeah this specific genre is so rare this game MUST be preserved
can't believe the dude played the game and thought "I did not like it, change the core concept because *I* like it more"
You know what, I liked the damn game already, but an NTR title getting this reaction from the one and only Hasselnut just doubles down on that :p

there's only one other game I can think of that hits this particular set of kinks (Spider and Butterfly for those who are curious) in a similar way to this game. Please let us have this one, we're a little content starved at the moment.
Shoutout to Netoria Tactics here too - there's also a lot of other adjacent kinks involved too, but allies corrupting the LI and getting it on with her while the heroic MC's busy obliviously doing heroics is the core of it, and there's some "concealed" stuff there as well. It's got a bunch of different routes, and it's complete, to boot! Damn shame I can't play FE-style tRPGs to save my life, though...


Dec 14, 2017
the gameplay is perfectly tied to the kink, use your brain and also REMEMBER this is barely a demo
Woaw. Did I blow such a huge hole in your entire concept that you couldn't even find the words to build a proper answer and had to resort to an insult instead?

The gameplay is tied to the kink? Ah, but of course. Dungeon Crawling obviously rhymes with Netorare, how could have I been so blind?

This is also just a demo, of course, so I should be singing the praise of the Dev. Noted.

User E358700 argues about the following balance in the way porn is obtained and how it shouldn't be altered:

changing the porn from "it happens primarily without player input" to "it almost never happens without player input" would be a *huge* change

Okay, fair enough, I agree with that. I even acknowledged it in my first comment: this game does NOT aim to be another HPMF. But let's consider E358700's answer:
- if you don't need player input... Then what the hell do you even need a gameplay loop for in the first place? This could be a pure VN, based on that logic.
- you can absolutely chose to subtly tank your run and fail the DungCrawl. So this absolutely relies on players' inputs. Just inputs that go against the logic of the gameplay loop. In fact, it makes the player actively takes the role of the sabotaging Mentor... Which is precisely what you and your player base don't want, apparently?

I believe my point factually holds: a gameplay loop you're supposed to loose to achieve your objective is about the weirdest gamedesign choice I have ever seen.
  • Thinking Face
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Nov 25, 2017
I just remember almost 7 years ago sexums wanting to switch over to godot with their newest game and ended up quitting entirely. I also can't really remember any eroge made in godot that isn't pretty simplistic in its gameplay like anomalous coffee machine, NTR Phone or lovecraft locker. Saying that is is quite powerful and requires good programming skills makes me worry even more since this is a first time dev.

I really like this game! I just worry and hope it will be able to be made.
Most porn games are verry simplistic in general, only exception would be something like Seed of the Dead, It's not like there's a lot of complex games with simple engines anyways..

to be fair... that 'not being true' is kinda undone by what you said next. no offense to this dev or not, but 'most people can't do a complex combat system in godot' IS potentially reason to worry.

that being said, casette beasts (or this) doesn't really seem that complex, just, a lot going on. edit: by which i mean, pokemon ish RPS + 300 samey moves isn't really complex, just a long list of shit.
Most people can't do complex stuff in any engine, either by limitations of the engine like Ren'py or by skill requirement like Unity or Unreal. I don't see this kind of panic with those engines even if they're basically on the same page as Godot, sounds weird to me.

And maybe I wasn't very clear with the "programming skills" part, it's not like it requires lots of experience and knowledge, it's just that you have to do a bit of research to use it, same as Unity for example, you can't just open it and make a game with minimum knowledge like RPG Maker or Ren'py.
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Nov 25, 2017
I just feel that this game is better suited for something like RPGM. A combat engine with basic places you can visit and a time progression system seems almost a perfect fit for it. Also invites the idea of natural exploration with maps and stuff.

Would just suck to have another game like queens brothel that feels limited by the engine it was made in and the finesse it takes to make that.
If you are really worried about a game being limited by the engine you shouldn't encourage using RPGM, it's way more limiting than anything else. I don't really know about that particular game but if someone told you it's being limited by the engine using Godot it's just not true.


Aug 30, 2017
I believe my point factually holds: a gameplay loop you're supposed to loose to achieve your objective is about the weirdest gamedesign choice I have ever seen.
"Lose to get H-scenes" is actually a really common option, but that's not really what happens here. "Losing" here would be getting beaten by a monster, and when that happens it just fades out and you wake up in town. I already explained how the current gameplay loop works, and why some people like it that way. You don't, and that's fine, but the rest of us certainly hope the dev doesn't change things to be more to your taste, as doing so would get rid of part of the appeal.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
Like the above poster said, this all just sounds like "I don't like the current direction of the game. Others may, but I don't. I am the protagonist, so you must adhere to my preferences because I am more important than all of you. Stop having fun. Your type of fun isn't allowed. Only what I find fun is allowed." Attitudes like that are a big part of why the current game industry has just become homogenized garbage.

All I really got out of that is that playing games isn't for you, game development is. But you're too lazy to do that, so you prefer harassing devs in the comments until they submit to you.

Coming into someone's else's project they've put hardwork into and demanding the entire direction changes to fit your needs is just incredibly rude and intrusive. If you want people to take your suggestions more seriously, you need to show some respect for who and what was there before you, or just go turn your ideas into your own game.


Game Developer
Jun 18, 2021
Woaw. Did I blow such a huge hole in your entire concept that you couldn't even find the words to build a proper answer and had to resort to an insult instead?

The gameplay is tied to the kink? Ah, but of course. Dungeon Crawling obviously rhymes with Netorare, how could have I been so blind?
The concept is "you get cucked while you explore a dark dungeon", NTR is the genre.
As they said already, you're NOT supposed to lose, you gain nothing losing and I have no idea of why you thought you should lose. Technically you should win, you should fight for long time enough she will end up pregnant by the dude.
The rooms, torch, darkness, they all tie together to the "behing your back"
as I said, use your brain before commenting in a thread where there's the actual Dev


Aug 28, 2024
Woaw. Did I blow such a huge hole in your entire concept that you couldn't even find the words to build a proper answer and had to resort to an insult instead?

The gameplay is tied to the kink? Ah, but of course. Dungeon Crawling obviously rhymes with Netorare, how could have I been so blind?

This is also just a demo, of course, so I should be singing the praise of the Dev. Noted.
Okay, starting to think this is either intentionally obtuse or just straight-up ragebait. First off, yes, the gameplay is, as Hasselnut said, perfectly tied to the kink. There's a distinct difference between "gameplay loop" and "genre". Barony and Persona 3 are both dungeon crawlers, but I wouldn't say either has much in common with the other. As far as the "it's barely a demo" thing goes, that's basically just saying "Hey, keep in mind this game is going to change *a lot* before it gets anywhere near done."

Okay, fair enough, I agree with that. I even acknowledged it in my first comment: this game does NOT aim to be another HPMF. But let's consider E358700's answer:
- if you don't need player input... Then what the hell do you even need a gameplay loop for in the first place? This could be a pure VN, based on that logic.
Second, you don't seem to fully understand what a gameplay loop even is. The porn is part of the gameplay loop whether it happens directly as a result of player actions or not. In this particular game's case the porn is happening in parallel to the player's actions, influenced by the torch mechanic, but not directly affected by the player's actions beyond that, but it's still part of the gameplay loop. Saying otherwise would be like saying the enemy's turn in an RPG or drawing your hand in a card game aren't part of the gameplay loop because you don't have direct control or influence over them.

- you can absolutely chose to subtly tank your run and fail the DungCrawl. So this absolutely relies on players' inputs. Just inputs that go against the logic of the gameplay loop. In fact, it makes the player actively takes the role of the sabotaging Mentor... Which is precisely what you and your player base don't want, apparently?
You're right, you can absolutely choose to tank a crawl, but why would you? Losing is purely negative and does nothing to speed up the NTR or corruption at this point. I don't see why you're arguing like that's something the game encourages. Besides, it wouldn't be unique even if it did rely on losing for porn, there's about a billion different porn games where losing is *far* more disruptive to the gameplay, and it's still the only real method to get sex scenes.
And contrary to what you may think, yeah, some of us do in fact like to sabotage Mentor's efforts. Being able to do so, thus dragging it out and delaying the corruption, is a major part of the appeal for some people. It's like edging. Not everybody enjoys the process, some just want to nut and be done with it, but for those who do enjoy it it makes the end result infinitely more pleasurable.

I believe my point factually holds: a gameplay loop you're supposed to loose to achieve your objective is about the weirdest gamedesign choice I have ever seen.
The only factual thing about that statement is how wrong it is. You're not "losing" when you allow Mentor to corrupt Aster, you're taking one of the intended paths of progression. It's not "factually" a weird game design choice, it's just one you don't personally get, but that's why there's 700 pages of games here covering damn near every kink, fetish, or overly specific gameplay loop any ADHD addled mind could ever possibly desire. You don't understand what makes this game appealing to other people, and that's perfectly fine. I don't get why people like games featuring watersports and gargantuan tits, but that's why there's *21,000 games on this site.*

If you don't get the appeal, then try checking out some other games, you might like them better.


Nov 19, 2023
Not yet on the light thing, although that might be an option in the one modded to have an improvised debug mode. The torchlight not working once her pants and/or shirt are off is as-intended by the dev. As for the items, they all have descriptions, but:

Torch: +25 to light level; doesn't work once she's been stripped
Healing Potion (S): Restores 10 HP
Healing Potion (M): Restores 20 HP; don't bother with these, there's no limit to how many S potions you can carry and use, and the M potions cost more per HP restored (plus it's wasteful to use them above 10 HP)
Stamina Potion (S): Restores 15 stamina
Sedative: I'm not actually certain what PL is, but I'm guessing it's related to corruption; this reduces that by 50. It also reduces EP (excitement points, which are a measure of corruption and fill up her mana bar, preventing regen of that) by 3
Focus Vial: Give 40 FP (mana) to Aster, and also reduces her EP by 10
Mare Scale: Super mana potion - +100 FP and -20 EP

Stay together to stay alive. If trying to corrupt her fast, go into the 12-step dungeon with at least 5 healing potions and basically just guard (with resting as needed) until Mentor starts molesting Aster during combat (before that, he'll kill the enemies for you while lowering the light level). Keep your HP above 20 (the free 3 potions you start with also heal 10 HP). When you're one step away from the boss, make certain to restore your HP to full, then have Aster drink all 3 uses of her potion; Mentor will refill it with between 1 and 3 charges, have her drink those as well. In the fight, just guard the whole time (resting as needed) - he'll molest her, she'll alternate between healing you and blasting the boss. She'll typically kill it before you die or she runs out of FP, but if she starts getting low you may need to fight.

Story-wise, something like this would probably be a case of a side character (or several) that MC meets in town and becomes friends with, with it clear to the player the two have some attraction to each other. They get a bit flirty (or, depending on the girl, maybe she outright tries to seduce him away from Aster), and maybe it looks like it will go somewhere, but eventually Mentor swoops in and starts banging that character too.

But I agree with those saying the dev should probably stick to just Aster to avoid being overwhelmed with their first game. If the way Aster is designed would allow for some easy asset swaps (different clothing, hair, eyes, skin tone, makeup/freckles, pubic hair, and maybe breast size), it might not be that onerous to add more characters (as well as modify Aster's appearance) and just reuse the same animations, but probably better to hold off on something that ambitious until the next game.
thanks m8


Dec 13, 2021
A suggestion, please show what enemy attacks do, I have no idea which is their strongest attack I'm supposed to guard against because both heavy hit and flurry sound like strong moves, also I have no idea if "sneak attack" is supposed to be the weakest move because it sounds like it would do bonus damage if I was resting on that turn also explain guarding more. 20 "guard points", what does that even mean. Also please have Aster actually have even a bit of mana going into fights because with corruption her mana is basically non-existant while leaving me on my own to miss 4/5 slashes and having to chug at least 1 health pot after every enemy

Dont get me wrong, I really love the concept it just feels bad when the more you progress the game the weaker you get
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